Monday, March 29, 2010

Russ's first lunch

K, I haven't packed a lunch since I packed my own for elementary school and I've never packed a lunch for someone else. I really struggled (am struggling) as to what to pack. My main focus is that it's healthy, secondly filling and thirdly, cheaper than going out. Russ's main focus is that it's not gross.
I packed him two turkey sandwiches (because 1 apparently is not enough!), a peach cup and some cottage cheese, and snap peas. I didn't calculate the calories/ fat or anything, I just wanted to get all the food groups in there.
The cost:
bread .05 x4= .20
The turkey .40
the cheese .30
The lettuce .06
the tomato .18
The peas .85
The cottage cheese .40
the peach cup .50
total: 2.89

Wow! The average Russ spends when he buys lunch is $7.00, so that was my goal, to get it under that number. So that this is under 1/2 that, makes me quite happy.

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