Thursday, April 1, 2010

Meal Plan Update

Oh gosh. I didn't (and won't) make a single dinner this week! Shameful. Sunday night I was out of town. Monday Russ got home late so I just picked up some food for myself and Russ picked up food on his way home. Tuesday I worked late. Wednesday Russ came home from work and crashed and went straight to bed so I just ate some chili. Tonight when Russ came home, his high schooler little sister called and asked us to come see her in her high school play. She lives about 1/2 an hr away so we just picked up some food on the way to her school. And then tomorrow and Sat I work late. Just the worst and I mean worst diet this week. The good thing is, I've made lunch for Russ three times this week. (It was supposed to be 4 but Russ forgot on the first day so he ate it the day after.) So not only did that save some $$ but I know he got some fruits and veggies in his diet. I'm not sure on the schedule next week, plus his older sister went into the hospital tonight to have her first baby, so sometime soon we'll have to take the 5 hr drive up north and visit her and her new baby boy!

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