Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Not Food Waste Wednesday

So, it's been a crazy day (a crazy week!) and I just couldn't get to the food waste this week- I know there is some cheese in there that's moldy and a zucchini thats beginning to wrinkle- but I do know one thing. In my journey to eliminate my food waste, I've gotten pretty creative. I love it. There's a sense of pride I get- and I'm sure you as well!- when you see your waste pile shrink, and you know you've done your part. So here's what I haven't wasted lately:
1. Sun chips. Russ likes to get those big boxes of sun chips from costco- that has all the different kinds. Well he likes all the flavors except the original. So we're left with a bunch of little bags of sun chips he's never gonna eat. (He's not quite as concerned about waste as I am.) So I'm left finding ways to eat them, and I'm not a chip person. Yesterday, I used them to scoop up tuna salad and today, bean dip. I bought that DElicious Zesty bean and cheese dip by Tostitos (ohmygoodness! It's so good) and I went to the cupboard and that little space where I keep my tortilla chips was empty! But I remembered those chips and they were a fine substitute. What's that saying, necessity is the mother of invention. K maybe it wasn't a 'necessity' but it sure made me see there's another way of using things up!
Plus I used up the last of the tomato and red onion in the salad for dinner- both of which were about to 'expire.'


  1. Try using up leftover chips to make Potato Chip
    Chicken... my daughter & I love it.... especially with bbq chips

  2. I have used leftover chips and crackers to make bread crumbs. they make a different flavor and texture that has always gone over with approval in my house of picky eaters.
