Not the best week, but I think I'm improving. I see improvement at least. In the picture:
1 apple
1 banana
3/4 yellow pepper
8 oz mozzarella
just a little over 1 cup bagged salad.
I can never(!) eat the last banana. I don't know why. It doesn't matter if I buy 8 or 2, the last banana never gets eaten! The cheese I'm actually proud of because I've had this for a while and it was good for a long time. I used 1/2 the block then it finally turned. I bought the yellow pepper and have been adding little bits to salad, but couldn't use it up in time I guess. But you know what's not in this picture:
The tub of cottage cheese Russ finished!
Do you bake? If so, you can freeze brown bananas (I peel them first, then stick them in a freezer bag) for use in breads or muffins. I can never manage to eat all our bananas, either.